Nutrition isn’t just about feeding your dog; it’s about providing everything their body needs to thrive. From strong bones to a shiny coat and healthy digestion, proper nutrition is the foundation of your dog’s wellbeing. 🐕💚
At its core, nutrition involves essential nutrients like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. These work together to fuel growth, repair the body, and keep your dog healthy at every stage of life. Missing out on key nutrients might not show problems straight away, but over time, it can lead to serious health issues. This is why providing optimal nutrition from the start is crucial. 🥩🥦
Why So Many Dogs Are Poorly 😔
Sadly, the majority of dog owners have little control over their dog’s nutritional needs and make poor choices without realising it. Many overfeed their dogs, handing out treats like they’re sweets, or feed them without a proper plan. This blind overfeeding, driven by a lack of knowledge, is concerning.
On one hand, they’ll say, “I love my dog,” yet on the other, they’re unknowingly cutting their dog’s life short. Poor nutrition speeds up trips to the vet, leading to devastating health problems and draining bank accounts. Worse still, these same people often give loud, misplaced advice about dog nutrition, adding to the confusion for others. It’s a vicious cycle that makes no sense.
The Short Time We Have with Our Dogs 💔
We often forget that dogs don’t live as long as we’d like. The average lifespan of a dog in the UK is just 12 years. 12 short years. Let that sink in. While we live, on average, seven times longer than a dog, the damage caused by poor nutrition can take longer than a dog has to live to fix. What might harm us slowly over decades can have a devastatingly quick impact on a dog.
This is why getting it right is so important. If we truly love our dogs, we must ensure their diet supports a long, healthy, and happy life. Being a responsible dog owner means not putting your dog in harm’s way through poor choices. The importance of this cannot be overstated; it’s about giving them the best chance to thrive. 🐾❤️
A Diet Shaped by Evolution 🐺🍃
Thousands of years ago, their ancestors were scavengers, surviving on a mix of meat, bones, and plant matter. Unlike the common belief that dogs were pure carnivores like lions or T-rexes, they often relied on leftovers, including the nutrient rich contents of their prey’s stomach. These early dogs were rarely at the top of the food chain, meaning they had limited access to the best meat and depended on whatever they could find to survive.
Over time, as dogs became companions to humans, their diets evolved alongside ours. Early humans shared meals and scraps, providing a varied and balanced diet. But today, many modern diets stray far from what dogs were built for, focusing more on marketing than actual nutrition. Clever slogans, photoshopped images, and buzzwords appeal to emotions, selling the idea of health rather than meeting a dog’s real needs. People often pay for flashy branding at the expense of their dog’s wellbeing, unknowingly sacrificing nutrition for promises that rarely deliver.
You’ll also hear people argue, “It’s what they’d eat in the wild” or “That’s what wolves did.” While dogs did descend from wolves, they haven’t been wild for generations. They’ve adapted to domesticated life, and their dietary needs reflect this. Simply copying a wolf’s diet ignores the balance required for modern dogs to thrive. Today’s diets need to balance ancestral habits with scientific advancements to meet modern dogs’ nutritional needs.
Take Control of Your Dog’s Health 🦴
At The Delicious Dog Food Company, we’re here to provide real knowledge and real nutrition. With the right food, you can prevent illness, boost your dog’s happiness, and help them live longer. Isn’t that what every dog owner wants?
👉 Visit us here and be the hero your dog thinks you are! 🐾